Thursday, February 5, 2015

Old Broads Working Out

There aren't a lot of things that I love and make me happy (hence the title of this blog), but one of them is working out. I love to go to the local YMCA and get my sweat on, especially when it is cold out. While I'm there, I enjoy taking group classes, because it is a fun way to move around.

However, after the new year, it becomes a lot less fun for a while! That is because there are old broads everywhere, working out to try to keep up with their resolution!

Let's be honest ladies, your resolutions probably aren't going to stick. All you are doing is making things crowded, and affecting the workouts of us serious people. Why can't you stick to walking the mall for a workout? Why are you invading our private space? Deep down, I know that things will get better in a couple months time, but it sure stinks for now.

It reminds me of a story I heard... In the Middle Ages, there was an archer named Kevin Von Brevnik, and he was the best archer in his his community. As a result, he was the most famous and loved member of the community, which they named Brevnikville (in modern day Norway). Soon, all of the other men in the town got jealous of Kevin, and they started to take up archery. Harold found that all of the practice spots were now taken, and he got mad.

Instead of just silently seething like I am (well, if a blog post can still count as silent, lol), Kevin got even, and used his archery skills to shoot at the other men, killing 13 and wounding 5 others. That stopped everyone else from practicing really quick, lol! Maybe there is something I can learn from Kevin...

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